Nestled within one of Ivanhoe's most coveted streets, this residence presents an exquisite facade that captivates the discerning eye. Comprising three bedrooms, albeit with two occupying modest proportions within the enchanting vaulted roof space of the second storey, the property emanates a certain allure. Its proximity to local amenities lends convenience, while the surrounding landscape boasts a picturesque array of period homes. Pricing considerations align with the property's scale and its prime location in northern Ivanhoe. Recent transactions, such as the sale at 35 Magnolia St for $1,950,000, albeit on a larger plot, and the comparable sale at 16 Cook St for $1,911,000, bolster the indicative price range. Anticipations suggest the threshold of $2 million shall indeed be surpassed.
- Desired location
- Gorgeous facade
- Room to Value Add
- Small Bedrooms
- Not big land
- Tricky floorplan